
Path parameters

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Parameters within a route are used to capture dynamic values from the URL. This is useful for creating routes that are more flexible and can handle different values.

<Route path="/users/:id" component={User} />

In this example, the :id parameter will capture any value that comes after /users/ in the URL. The colon : is used to denote a parameter, and id is the name of the parameter. When a URL matches this route, the User component will be rendered.

Accessing parameters

You can retrieve the values captured by parameters using useParams.

import { useParams } from "@solidjs/router";
function User() {
const params = useParams();
return <div>User ID: {}</div>; {/* Output: User ID: 123 */}

Validating parameters

Each path parameter can be validated using the MatchFilter on the Route component. Rather than checking for the presence of a parameter manually, you can use a MatchFilter to ensure that the parameter is in the correct format.

import { lazy } from "solid-js";
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { Router, Route } from "@solidjs/router";
const User = import("./pages/User");
const filters = {
parent: ["mom", "dad"], // allow enum values
id: /^\d+$/, // only allow numbers
withHtmlExtension: (v: string) => v.length > 5 && v.endsWith(".html"), // we want an `*.html` extension
render(() => (
), document.getElementById("app"));

Here, the matchFilter prop validates the parent, id, and withHtmlExtension parameters against the specified filters defined in the filters object. If the validation fails, the route will not match and the component will not be rendered.

In this example, that means:

  • /users/mom/123/contact.html would match,
  • /users/dad/456/about.html would match,
  • /users/aunt/123/contact.html would not match as :parent is not 'mom' or 'dad',
  • /users/mom/me/contact.html would not match as :id is not a number,
  • /users/dad/123/contact would not match as :withHtmlExtension is missing .html.

Optional parameters

Parameters can be made optional by adding a ? after the parameter name.

<Route path="/users/:id?" component={User} />

With this setup, the route would match both /users and /users/123. However, it is important to note that the ? only makes the parameter optional for the last segment of the path. As a result, paths beyond the optional parameter will not be matched. For instance, /users/123/contact would not match.

Wildcard routes

Wildcard routes can be used to match any number of segments in a path. To create a wildcard route, use * followed by the parameter name.

<Route path="/users/*" component={User} />

Using an asterisk * as a parameter will match any number of segments after /users. This includes /users, /users/123, /users/123/contact, and so on.

If you need to expose the wildcard segments of the path, you can name them:

<Route path="/users/*rest" component={User} />

In this case, rest will contain the rest of the path after /users/.

It is important to note that wildcard routes must be located at the end of the path. If you place a wildcard route before the end, such as /users/*rest/:id, no routes will be matched.

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